Our Mission
Where do you play? The mission of the Wee Play Community Project is to advocate for the City of Beacon’s playgrounds, to promote excellence in children’s and youth programming, and to build an organized coalition of community parents.
The cornerstone of Wee Play’s efforts has been to build and maintain age-appropriate children's playground and gardens in Beacon. Wee Play is an all volunteer organization and community support is the key factor in creating a safe play environment that continues to meet quality standards at all of Beacon’s parks and playgrounds.
Wee Play has developed a relationship with the City of Beacon Recreation Department and offers a voice for a population, children and teens, who might not otherwise have one. The development of a strong social network within the community so families have input into park design and children’s programming is an important component of Wee Play’s work. In addition to the parks, Wee Play raises funds to support children’s/youth programs including those at the Howland Public Library, Beacon Arts and Education Fund, the Sargent Downing Gardens and Nursery and the University Settlement Camp where the Ree-Play sale is held.
Wee Play’s primary fundraising project is the annual Ree-Play Sale - where volunteers collect gently used baby’s, children’s, and maternity clothing, toys, etc. “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” is the motto of the sale which generates tremendous community enthusiasm and is as much a community builder as a fundraiser.